The Teen Titans, also known as The New Teen Titans, New Titans, or The Titans, is a DC Comics superhero team. The first incarnation of the group unofficially debuted in The Brave and the Bold #54 (July 1964), with the group making its first appearance under the name “The Teen Titans” in Brave and the Bold #60. As the group's name suggests, its membership is usually composed of teenaged superheroes. In the group's first adventure, the team was a junior Justice League of sorts, featuring Robin (Dick Grayson), Kid Flash (Wally West) and Aqualad, the sidekicks of Leaguers Batman, the Flash and Aquaman, respectively.
In its second appearance, the group branched out with the introduction of Wonder Girl, a character introduced for the group to serve as an analogue for Wonder Woman. In Donna Troy's wake, many additional new characters were introduced into the Titans team, many of which were not teenaged sidekicks to adult characters, most notably the college-aged heroes in the 1980 New Teen Titans revival Cyborg, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Raven.(Wikipedia)